In 5765 (2005), after examining internet filtering technology, various ISP's offering "kosher" service, and reviewing the number of case where individuals in religious households were affected by this problem, the halachic authorities of several important hareidi communities ruled that current technology does not provide adequate safeguards to prevent these problems. It was ruled that internet usage must be reduced or eliminated, and for the first time the ''Gedolei Hador'' took the unusual step of requiring physical security of any internet appliance, and externally verifiable compliance by religious households.
* '''Reducing usage''' means "casual" internet usage is forbidden. This means that using the internet for entertainment, online shopping or even educationis not allowed. In general the only two permitted reasons for using the internet were ''parnasa'' (making a living) and ''kiruv'' (jewish outreach).
* '''Physical security''' means that any internet capable device must be disabled, even if not physically connected at the time to an internet service provider. Desktop computers, laptops and palm computers must stored in a locked room, and whenever they are used, they should not be used in such a way to lead others in the household (particularly children) to think that being used in a casual way.
Changes - Hareidi English

Changes's Kosher Internet

No change in size, 13:40, 24 October 2007
Rabbinic response