The developers at have put together a package which address some of these needs. It is based on the open source [ Privoxy internet filter], which is free to download and available for Windows, Macintosh, Linux and other operating systems. ''Privoxy'' software was originally designed to remove unwanted advertisements, and we use it here to remove unwanted graphics and warn (or prevent) users from visiting "untrusted" websites. '''s Kosher Internet'' add-on software was designed to be used by hareidim who are required and permitted to use the internet but are bothered by the amount of unwanted graphics they must encounter.
'''s Kosher Internet'' was developed in four three versions:
* The "closed list version" is based on a list of 3000 + websites, and requires authorization for each new websites requested. This version is designed for people who must regularly visit the same websites. The user can indicate which websites are to be displayed in full graphics, and which websites in a fully functional, text only form. Unauthorized websites cannot be viewed.
* The "open list version" is the same as the closed list version, except that all websites which are referred by reliable search engines (such as google, or altavista in their "family friendly" form) are automatically added to the list of viewable websites. These automatically added websites will be viewed in a in a fully functional, text only form. This version is designed for people who must regularly visit new websites to collect information. It presents the websites in a fully functional, but text only form.
Changes - Hareidi English

Changes's Kosher Internet

No change in size, 09:05, 25 October 2007
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