Israel and Humanity - Progress in the creation


Progress in the creation.

The word means by which Judaism progress in the creation itself, which is called in scientific language processing to be lower in the superior being, the word Illou [1] is very characteristic of the Jewish doctrine, because it combines both the two ideas of movement and elevation. It is something more than the agreed terms of evolution everywhere today because it does not change the second element yet so precious. Illou instead is an ascent.

This term belongs to the Hebrew theosophy precisely in the sense that we give him, but the formula itself and the consequent doctrine not found among Kabbalists only. This is the heritage of rabbinic Judaism as a whole, or rather the Kabbalah on this as on many others faithfully represents the Jewish rabbinic ideas. A prominent thinker doubled paraphrase a great writer seems admirably teaching Illou , when he wrote lyrics like these: "In love of beauty [2] the nature of a continuous momentum up to her and more and more approaching its forms. The universe is so huge a creation that rises steadily toward a higher end he has prepared all his previous efforts by proving [3] at the time and immense desire for the good and wonderful industry. "Reading these words, we repeated what we had seen many times is that whenever a philosopher so slightly idealistic student expression of his thought, we seem to hear that a Kabbalist reasoning, clear proof that we are not the victim of an illusion by trying to interpret to each other.

For the Kabbalah, as physical reality, the mineral is transformed into a plant, plant and animal in the animal in man. In man himself, which is primarily physical act becomes psychic nutrition. That is why food is so important in this system because it is given precisely the role of transforming the body into being a spiritual being, to serve as an intermediary between one or the other, so that when religion presides, it is considered as holy and as deserving as the actual act of sacrifice.

Listen to the language of contemporary science so similar to these ideas: "In addition to working outside all visible, it makes him (in the pet food) inside any work which he alone has knowledge. Tion work, although it may also be accompanied by an expenditure of force, leads to a result quite different, with an accumulation of power. Memory and hope, confidence or familiarity, cunning or courage that are the result, science, engineering discovery and development of humanity, that's ideas in different orders striking examples accumulation of forces. The metaphorical use of the word to learn, which etymologically means annexing taking is based on deep and instinctive sense of reality, having learned to know is ... The power thus serves two purposes, it repairs the physical forces, it accumulates psychic forces [4] "

If the wind is pushing further research, one wonders how the man himself turns. The answer will not wait. We will say that he turns into a superior being who makes his food so to speak. Only this act takes the noble name and form of a holy sacrifice. "Michael, the heavenly high priest, say the Rabbis, celebrates the sacrifice of the souls of Israel [5] A passage Leviticus presents basically the [6] same idea. It is said about the death of both son of Aaron: "But the fire went out before the LORD and devoured them [7]", whereupon the rabbinical commentary that explains the body remaining intact, it was their souls that the divine fire consumed.

The death of the righteous is consumed in a kiss [8] by which two minds come together . The ultimate goal of every Jewish worship either inside or outside is to Kabbalah, the Ihud , the unification of the real and the ideal of God immanent Shekina , and transcendent God, Tipheret For the average man, his soul and his works. Instead of human sacrifice in the instinct or the traditional belief that a man should sacrifice himself for all mankind, which is basically just carry artificially on the ground of reality to some theological idea, it would seem it is simpler and more accurate to recognize the desire to continue the work of nature by the sacrifice necessary to be less than the superior.

It was rightly pointed out that although the modern cannibalism was not always religious, some superstitious idea there always remains attached, the example of appropriating the power and qualities of the enemy that it devours. In the Bible we have the same terminology that bears the imprint of these ideas primitive peoples conquer, subdue, it's called eating. "And you shall destroy all the peoples that the LORD thy God will deliver you [9]". And in the book of Joshua: "As for you fear not the people of this country, because it will be our food." Even if there was a reminiscence of the ancient cannibalism, it would still recognize it, of material and it was brutal at first, more and more spiritualized, and the men eat their fellow morale such as cannibal physically, intellectually more developed a nation with a greater ability to assimilate everything that is good in others. "In nature as in us," wrote the eminent thinker already cited, which is worth less than what the condition is better. What is, is the matter of what will be the best of what needs [10] to be. We consider the succession of beings in time and their coexistence in space, we always see the same law observed, the less prepared than he and is sacrificed when it became apparent ". Perhaps it would be more accurate to say that the sacrifice is the very condition of its appearance, and the same author, after noting that nature always proceeds with unit, in a continuous, uninterrupted or repeatedly finds "It's very life she brought out the higher life, the reality is that it spawns the ideal [11] "

It will certainly not escaped the reader that this law of progress in the creation has a striking resemblance to that which we think governs the assimilation of truths scattered in paganism by monothelitism Hebrew, the latter having the option aggregate of all that it is true in the religions with which it is in contact and to incorporate it in rejecting the rest.

Basically, this is a single law. Far from destroying the identity of being, she spends and what is not wrong to have seen the foundation of property rights in this capacity both expansive and attractive by which things become a part of ourselves. This justifies the Rabbis have sometimes given the same value to property and life, judging also severely attacks against one another and cons, because the natural tendency of the ego is to absorb to grow. [12]


  1. עלוי root עלה mount
  2. M. Renan in the Philosophical Review, Oct. 1878, p. 372. It must be remembered that in the Kabbalistic language, ideally, the Logos , named after Tipheret beauty.
  3. Page 351
  4. Delboeuf-Ribot, Revue Philosophique, February 1880, p. 163.
  5. Tosaphot on Menahot 109."
  6. Page 352
  7. Leviticus, X, 2
  8. is the beautiful idea expressed by the Cabal that calls the death of the righteous neschika , the kiss
  9. Deuteronomy, VI, 16
  10. Page 353
  11. Philosophical Review, Oct. 1878.
  12. Page 354
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